Buses Cancelled For Thursday March 6th |
Buses Cancelled For Thursday March 6th |
School Council News
Greetings and welcome back to all of our school community.
The 2019/2020 School Council was pleased to re-convene on September 11. It was wonderful to see so many new people come out to support our students and also, so many familiar faces back to continue their work. We thank last year’s members for their time and dedication, and we held elections for the 2019-20 council. The results are as follows:
Chair – Sean O'Neill
Secretary: Tanya Lunn-Duggan
Fundraising Coordinators – Laura Warren and Wendy Thompson
Staff Contacts: Natalie Dummitt and Julie Dodds
The 2019/2020 OVPS School Council will once again endeavour to carry out the council’s mandate to:
“provide guidance and feedback to our school’s principal and staff, on behalf of the parent community;
provide volunteer support for school initiatives; to raise funds for extracurricular activities, programs, and
infrastructure initiatives, that are not funded by the school board. “
We would also like to make note that the success of all of our efforts hinges on the support we receive from our school community – you (the guardians, students, teachers, family and community members) who carry out the fundraising campaigns and provide us with your insight. We thank you, once again, for your support in the past and we look forward to working with you this year in our upcoming endeavours.
Our initiatives for this year include:
*The provision of additional funding support towards the purchase of student agendas
*The funding of the first of three Head Lice Checks;
*Support for class trips and Scientist in the Classroom workshops
*Support the school in meeting its' Well-Being Goals around Healthy Active Living
Should you have thoughts, questions or concerns, or would like to get involved feel free to join us for our monthly meetings in the school library. These meetings take place the first Wednesday of October, December, February, April and June at 6 PM.
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